This is a great opportunity to become responsible for your own education and personal development through proven information and principles.
“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.”― Ronald E. Osborn
Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family—Kofi Annan
With the enormous changes in culture people are finding more difficult to understand the reason for different genders in the world, what the differences are, their roles in the society and the powerful synergy that results.
This books helps you understand the uniqueness of the female gender and her indispensible role in the society, i recommend this book for every girl child.
In most societies in recent times, attention have been paid to the girl-child education all geared towards preparing them for a greater future and prevent them from being victims but much less of attention is being paid to the grooming and education of the males who are the major cause of the challenges of the girl-child, this is a book you can use to raise a man child and to help reset men who have already become adults without imbibing the values of manhood.
Facebook as a social media platform have not only helped people network but have given most businesses, organisations and people a platform to spread value and become both rich and influential in the process.
This book will help you grow your influence, increase your authority and make money with the facebook platform instead of just burning data for what will not add value to you.
Are you talented, and yet broke? Do you know you can actually earn money from your talent, abilities and gifts? Are you aware you can make a career out of your passion; what you really love doing? what you do for free could actually be done for a fee. Find out how in this classic book.
One of the biggest challenges facing our world today is that many men grew up without knowing what means to be a man because their fathers were also victims of the system, fatherhood is a missing link in most families, communites and nations. This book throws massive light into what fatherhood is about and provides the blue print for raising any male child into a responsible man and father.