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“I think books are like people, in the sense that they’ll turn up in your life when you most need them.” – Emma Thompson
This book is a must have for any student, it is a practical guide on how any student can move away from the position of mediocrity, rise above average, become excellent and be counted among the best in the world of academia, it also contains principles that will help the student not only to win in school but also in life.
The most important thing in life is for a person to discover his purpose on this earth and to fulfil it. Sadly, majority of the people who lived in the world or currently living in it live empty lives without direction and meaning, this book outlines ways you can find out your own reason for being in this world now and how to fulfil it.
It is always better to teach a person how to fish than to give them one. There will always be poor people and beggars in this world, constantly looking for who will alleviate their poverty, yet, poverty is a choice, as well as begging. This book shows you how to master your personal finance even if you are currently at zero or minus.
This book is a must have for anyone who wants to make the most of his life, it shows you how that time is a gift, beyond being a gift, it is also a currency, it shows you how to make every day of your life count in a very significant away by eliminating time wasters.
We all have our own gold mines in different forms, even gold in its raw state is unprofitable to anyone until it is refined. We all have ideas, abilities and gifts that have the value of gold or even of more value in the market place of life. This book helps you to discover yours, refine them and market them to the world.
Even though this book is written for women to understand the uniqueness, delicacy and abilities about their personality, frame and function, it is one book every man needs to study to understand women and how much of a great resource they can be in their lives, families and enterprises. This book can help any man make a wise choice of the right woman to fulfil his purpose with and prepare the woman to be the right one.
This book is a must have for any parent that has a male child especially if he is being raised by a single mother. The father figure in the life of a male child is not something to be negogiated, it must be present and present in the right way. This book shows the seven practical lessons every male child should be taught and trained in before he becomes a teenager and adult.
Social media is a huge platform for anyone who is serious about increasing the awareness his idea, service or product, facebook as a platform has the numbers, resources and features that can be utilized to gain influence and money, in such a way that every data subscription or stay on the platform serves you meaningfully .This book will not only save you from facebook addiction but make it your slave.
Even though this book is written for men to understand the position, wiring and capacity about their personality, identity and function, it is one book every woman needs to study to understand men and how they reason. This book can help any woman understand how to attract the right man to fulfil purpose with if it is one of the things she is interested in .